Sunday, May 31, 2009

There and Back!

It has been almost a month since I last posted an update, and I think I have had good reason. On May 7th I was asked by my boss to participate in a project that would require me to travel to Germany. I was told that it would be a great opportunity, and an experience of a lifetime. I was not sure how long this project would last, so on short notice I packed my bags and hopped on a plane!

Prior to leaving I contacted Katya Krautz from Trek Bicycles, and she was kind enough to have a local Trek dealer rent me a Madone 5.2 for the legnth of my stay in Germany. Upon my arrival Tom, from Tom's Bicycles in Dortmund, Germany had my new rig ready and I was very happy. I was able to map out an 18 miles loop that included almost 1000 feet of climbing. It was a great workout, and helped my legs get the training they will need to tackle Mt. Ventoux in July. I found out quickly that German food is not very good for my diet, so I was not finding much to eat that didn't include heavy creams and fats. I didn't eat much, and ended up losing another 7 pounds. When I started thid endeavor back in October I had a goal of reaching a goal weight of 175 pounds, I am now 179. Almost there.

After 2 weeks, my work project was wrapped up, and it was time for me to return home. Yesterday, was my first long ride back home, and I was due for a 75 mile excursion. I felt great when I set out, and started out on familiar roads that complimented the great 75 degree weather. 4 hours later I finished my 75 mile ride, at an average of 18 miles per hour. That is the fastest training ride ever, and besides the fact, I felt awesome afterwards. I am more dtermined now than ever to have peak fitness for the Tour and look forward to finishing my training right here at home! This picture is of my new friend Tom from Tom's Bike Shop in Germany.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chasing The Sun

Since I have been training for the Etape, I have felt very good during my Saturday long rides. Each week my fitness has progressed in a way that is keeping me on track to finish the Etape in July. At the end of my long rides, I have felt like I could have continued for a while longer......until yesterday.
Sometimes you just aren't motivated, no matter how you try to psych yourself up for the ride, sometimes you just don't feel like training. After procrastinating for the better part of Saturday morning, I finally suited up and got my bike ready. It had been raining all morning so I put on my rain jacket and neoprene booties for the ride. I was due for a 60 mile ride, and was dreading every pedal stroke. I set out around 1pm and immediately felt a case of "dead legs" coming on. I wasn't pushing any big gears and my legs felt VERY tired. I hadn't even pre-determined the route I was going to ride, because the rain was consuming my preparation. Looking at the horizon I noticed a clear patch of sky off in the distance, maybe I could ride towards the clearing and find some dry weather. About 20 miles in, my legs weren't feeling anymore lively than during that first mile, but I was determined to push through and get these miles in my legs. The rain kept coming down and it seemed that I never got any closer to the sun. Almost 2 hours into the ride I finally caught the sun, it felt so good to dry off and shed my rain jacket. I continued to feel very tired and was starting to get stomach cramps.
I tried to eat, but the cramps intensified, so I just drank fluids. Finally 3 1/2 hours after I started, I coasted back home finishing all 60 miles. I guess the lesson learned was that you always wont feel great, but as long as you stay focused on your goals you will eventually catch the sun! Let's hope today is a little different!