Monday, June 8, 2009

Good Days..........Bad Says

One thing I have learned in the many years that I have been training for endurance have good days, and you have bad days. Whether it is training for a marathon, triathlon or the Etape du Tour, there are days when you feel like you can take on the world, and there are days when you just aren't up to doing anything.
After my great 75 mile ride last weekend, I was up for 80 miles on Saturday and a 30 mile recovery ride on Sunday. As I prepared for Saturday's ride, I noticed that the weather hadn't cleared up like the forecast had called for. It was still 55 degrees and overcast. I set out on the bike with every intention of putting in the full 80 miles, but quickly realized that my body wanted no part of a long ride. As I closed in on the first 30 miles I decided to take some advice that someone gave me while I was training for my first marathon. "If you don't feel up to it, don't do it." Adjust your training to suit your body. So I stopped at 30 miles.
When Sunday came I felt a lot better and completed my 80 miles with no probelem. I think I made the right choice changing my schedule, and I am happy that I got all of my weekly mileage in. My training is still going according to plan, and my weight is down to a lean 177 pounds. I am still going to continue to drop weight until the Etape, but I am very pleased with my progress, as well as how good I feel. This week is calling for a lot of rain, but that is no reason not to ride. I'll update later in the week with some training pictures.

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